Switch Axe Builds & Loadouts

The following builds & loadouts have been created by Banri. Otherwise will be noted in the build itself if created by another.

2★ Village Quests

  • Starter Loadout to get rolling into the story and village quests
  • Perfect for Easier monsters in 1★ Hub Quests

  • 3★ Village Quests

  • Works for 1★ Hub Quests
  • Easy to Obtain

  • 4★ Village Quests

  • Works for 2★ Hub Quests
  • Easy to Obtain

  • 5★ Village Quests

  • Works for 3★ Hub Quests
  • Easy to Obtain

  • 4★ Hub Quests

  • Can also use Magnamalo SA if Upgraded

  • 5★ Hub Quests

  • Great starter loadout for 5★ Quests

  • 6★ Hub Quests

  • You can swap out the Amber Slash III for a Hidden Axe II (Narga Tree) for more Affinity. If doing that, swap out Frost decorations with Poison Attack decorations.

  • 7★ Hub Quests

  • There are three weapon choices here, pick whichever is best for you.
  • If you opted for the Hidden Axe II, then Upgrading straight to Night's Crescent may be the better option.
  • If you want to go for Sinister Shadowslice, you are looking at quite a few clears of Magnamalo before obtaining this weapon.
  • If you went with Amber Slash III previously, it will be easy to upgrade to Amber Hoarfrost.