Optimal Switch Skills

The following is a layout of what Banri believes to be the better Switch Skills per weapon after his own testing.

Switch Skills are unlocked as you progress in the game. The very first one is obtained after finishing the ★3 Village Urgent Quest, Feathered Frenzy.

  • First Set: Reach Village Quest ★3 or Hub Quest ★2 then talk to Master Utsushi.
  • Second Set: Create or upgrade a total of 8 unique weapons of the same weapon type.
  • Third Set: Set of quests unlocked from Hub ★4 and higher.

  • Great Sword Switch Skills

    Guard Tackle

  • Original Skill: Tackle
  • A shoulder thrust move that allows you to withstand more powerful attacks than the usual tackle.
  • This allows you to charge more properly while tanking attacks that are bound to throw you off.
  • The downside with this one is the longer tackle time so you have to recalibrate your timings.

  • Rage Slash

  • Original Skill: True Charge Slash
  • Rage Slash is an improvement for the True Charged Slash so we recommend slotting it in when you get it.
  • It absorbs some damage and uses them to strengthen the charge attack which is always good for the Great Sword.

  • Adamant Charged Slash

  • Original Skill: Hunting Edge
  • Uses a Wirebug to dash forward to deliver a Strong Charged Slash.
  • This move has knockback protection while dashing but will not negate all damage. Only use this for attacks you know you can survive from.

  • Long Sword Switch Skills

    Drawn Double Slash

  • Original Skill: Step Slash
  • This replaces the draw attack of the Long Sword into a double slash attack. This deals damage twice as well as negates an attack at the start of the draw.
  • This can also be comboed into a Spirit Slash II but not a Fade Slash.

  • Spirit Reckoning Combo

  • Original Skill: Spirit Roundslash
  • Replaces the Spirit Roundslash ending of your Spirit combo.
  • This also has a move that allows you to input a direction and rush towards that direction before executing the Reckoning combo.
  • This increases your Spirit Gauge by one, like the Roundslash.

  • Silkbind Sakura Slash

  • Original Skill: Soaring Kick
  • Dashes forward while swinging your sword twice in a circle. This silkbind attack Switch Skill instantly increases your Spirit Gauge level by 1.
  • The point where the blades hit will receive lingering damage. This is great for status and elemental builds.
  • Note: Though this Switch Skill is viable for some, I don't recommend switching it out for Soaring Kick. Soaring Kick is the only way to execute the Spirit Helmbreaker which is too strong to pass on.

  • Sword & Shield Switch Skills

    Work in Progress

    Dual Blade Switch Skills

    Work in Progress

    Hammer Switch Skills

    Work in Progress

    Hunting Horn Switch Skills

    Work in Progress

    Lance Switch Skills

    Work in Progress

    Gun Lance Switch Skills

    Work in Progress

    Switch Axe Switch Skills

    Forward Overhead Slash

  • Original Skill: Forward Slash
  • This changes your first Axe attack into an Overhead Slash which can hit monster parts high on the ground.
  • The subsequent sword morph attack will also change to a Double Slash so there is no reason not to switch to this Skill when acquired.

  • Soaring Wyvern Blade

  • Original Skill: Invincible Gambit
  • Using this one over Invincible Gambit is entirely by choice.
  • Invincible Gambit has an innate Rocksteady effect that prevents knockback while dashing while Soaring Wyvern Blade deals immense damage.

  • Compressed Finishing Discharge

  • Original Skill: Finishing Discharge
  • If you like integrating elemental explosions in your Switch Axe combos, use this Switch Skill. This also has a rocksteady effect so you won't have to worry about getting knocked back.

  • Charge Blade Switch Skills

    Condensed Spinning Slash

  • Original Skill: Condensed Element Slash
  • This Switch Skill should be used immediately after acquiring. This allows you to charge your phials while in Axe mode.
  • It greatly helps in maintaining phial charges while also dealing high damage in Axe mode.

  • Counter Morph Slash

  • Original Skill: Morph Slash
  • This Switch Skill lengthens the Morphing Guard Point for the Charge Blade.
  • If you're used to utilizing that specific guard point,
    I recommend getting this Switch Skill. If not, stick to Morph Slash because Counter Morph Slash can hinder the fast and fluid morphing combos of the Charge Blade.

  • Axe Hopper

  • Original Skill: Counter Peak Performance
  • This move is instant access to Super Amped Elemental Discharge (SAED).
  • Though this is a very easy way to execute SAED,
    I personally recommend using this because the capability of Counter Peak Performance to charge your phials after blocking an attack is too good.
  • If your not having issues charging the phials, or in situational hunts, then switching to this ability may be the better option.

  • Insect Glaive Switch Skills

    Work in Progress

    Light Bowgun Switch Skills

    Elemental Reload

  • Original Skill: Reload
  • Elemental Relaod is good and all but the boost in elemental ammo is not worth it with how much time your going to lose while reloading.
  • Unless you're running a full elemental LBG build, don't use this.

  • Quickstep Evade

  • Original Skill: Forward Dodge
  • This converts the usual roll dodge into a dash dodge. The distance covered is not that big but the recovery time between dodges are smaller so you can dodge all day.
  • The Attack power is also boosted after evading which is a big bonus.

  • Fanning Maneuver

  • Original Skill: Fanning Vault
  • This is a silkbind move that strafes you left or right depending on the direction. You can shoot while sliding and maintain distance from the monster.
  • It's a great mobility asset for the Light Bowgun, however if you want to shoot Wyvernblast while in the air, then Fanning Vault would be the better choice.

  • Heavy Bowgun Switch Skills


  • Orignal Skill: Melee Attack
  • I recommend using this more than Melee Attack.
    As a Heavy Bowgunner, you don't need the Melee Attack because you are always far from the monster but having a Tackle ready for when a monster suddenly pounces on you is a great thing to have.

  • Counter Charge

  • Original Skill: Counter Shot
  • Though this sounds awesome, I still recommend using Counter Shot than Counter Charger.
  • Unless your build revolves around the Charged Shots of the HBG, there is no reason to sacrifice the quick counter-attack capability of Counter Shot.

  • Healing Mech-Wyvernsnipe

  • Original Skill: Mech-Wyvernsnipe
  • Heavy Bowgun is a DPS-heavy weapon, So it's with great heart that I say sacrificing damage for healing yourself is a poor use of this amazing weapon.
  • Wyvernsnipe and Wyvernheart Ammos are way to precious DPS specials for you to opt for decreasing its damage.
    If you find yourself using this, please for your own sanity, switch back to Mech-Wyvernsnipe.

  • Bow Switch Skills

    Absolute Power Shot

  • Original Skill: Power Shot
  • Though the stunning monsters are a good addition to the bow, the stun values added by Absolute Power Shot are too small to be worth the extra stamina cost.
  • You can only stun at most once or twice per hunt which is a bad trade-off in my opinion. Sticking to the normal Power Shots to manage your stamina more efficiently is optimally better.

  • Dodgebolt

  • Original Skill: Charging Sidestep
  • This has no bad tradeoffs besides a short dodge distance and not being able to charge while sidestepping so get this one especially if you like using Close-Range Coating.
  • Put a Lv. 1 Evade Extender in your builds to mitigate the short dodge distance of Dodgebolt.

  • Aerial Aim

  • Original Skill: Focus Shot
  • When you get this, slot it in immediately.
    The main difference between this and Focus Shot is the stamina recovery of Focus Shot while Aerial Aim sacrifices the stamina recovery to propel you up considerably allowing you to aim from above.
  • It's a good trade-off considering you can use Dash Juices to mitigate the stamina problems of the bow.